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要提升中學生的自律性,可採用自我調節學習(self-regulated learning)的理論。Zimmerman主張學習應是一種主動和建構的過程,自我調節學習過程包括計劃、執行和監察、及評估和調節。

學生要進行自我調節學習,必須具備四個條件: 1、能夠確立學習目標。 2、了解自己擁有的學習策略,並相信這些策略能幫助自己學習。 3、相信自己能夠實行自我調節學習的行為。 4、具有學習動機,並準備積極投入學習。

根據Zimmerman和Martinez-Pons(1986),自我調節學習有十四個策略: 1、自我評估 2、組織與統整 3、目標設定與計劃 4、尋求資訊 5、記錄與監控 6、環境的建構 7、自我獎懲激勵 8、背誦與記憶 9-11、尋求(同儕、師長、或其他長輩)的支持 12-14、主動複習試卷、筆記或教科書



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附錄: Self-regulated Learning Strategies (Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1986) 1. Self-evaluation Student-initiated evaluations of the quality or progress of their work.

2. Organizing and transforming Student-initiated overt or covert rearrangement of instructional materials to improve learning.

3. Goal-setting and planning Student-initiated setting of educational goals or sub-goals and planning for sequencing, timing, and completing activities related to these goals.

4. Seeking information Student-initiated efforts to secure further task information from nonsocial sources when undertaking an assignment.

5. Keeping records and monitoring Student-initiated efforts to record events or results.

6. Environmental structuring Student-initiated efforts to select or arrange the physical setting to make learning easier.

7. Self-consequences Student arrangement or imagination of rewards or punishment for success or failure.

8. Rehearsing and memorizing Student-initiated efforts to memorize material by overt or covert practice.

9 – 11. Seeking social assistance Student-initiated efforts to solicit help from peers (9), teachers (10), and adults (11).

12 – 14. Reviewing records Student-initiated efforts to reread tests (12), notes (13), or textbooks (14), to prepare for class or further testing.

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