暑期課程 2019@HKU
暑期課程 - Summer Programme for Creativity & Talent Development 2018
Primary School Courses 小學課程
CTP1903 | P1-P2 Social Stars Shine (Pri) 社交閃星星,遊戲日日玩(小學)
CTP1904 | K3-P2 Ignite the momentum in reading & writing - Recognize the learning capacity of
twice-exceptional learners + 1 session parent workshop
CTP1905 | K3-P2 Recognize body energy and use it well - Supporting young gifted learners to self-regulate &
1 session parent workshop 支持年幼資優生認識及善用身體動能及一節家長工作坊
CTP1906 | K3-P3 Telling My Story: A Creative Mixed Media Workshop in Self-Exploration
CTP1907 | K3-P3 Be a Visionary Planner – A Social Project to Support Sustainable Living 散播快樂的種子
CTP1908 | P4-P6 Beautiful Geometry 幾何之美
CTP1909 | P4-P6 H.O.T.S. in Dance 舞蹈與高階思維
CTP1910 | P4-P6 Math Fun in Daily Life 生活中的趣味數學
CTP1910 | P4-P6 Shine like Shakespeare: Read.Write.Perform! (Primary) *
閃耀如莎士比亞 — 讀.寫.演(小學)
CTP1912 | P4-P6 Standing for Celebrity 為名人站台
CTP1913 | P4-P6 Standing for Myself 為自己站台
CTP1914 | P4-P6 Unleash from Expectation (Primary) * 從期望中解放
CTP1929 | P4-P6 Storybook Production Workshop: Your own pop-up storybook 故事書製作工作坊:自創你的立體故事書
Secondary School Courses 中學課程
CTP1915 | P5-S2 Food Science 食物科學
CTP1916 | P5-S2 Magic, Science and Mathematics 魔術、科學及數學
CTP1917 | P5-S2 Science Olympics 科學奧林匹克
CTP1918 | P6-S4 GO Planners 我是規劃師 2019
CTS1919 | S1-S3 Database Technologies and SQL Coding 數據庫科技及 SQL 編程
CTS1921 | S1-S3 Grow, Glow and Let’s Go – Supporting Gifted Students’ Intrapersonal and Interpersonal
Development 成長、發亮、出發!資優兒童個人及人際關係發展
CTS1922 | S1-S3 Introduction to FinTech 金融科技導論
CTS1923 | S1-S3 Shine like Shakespeare: Read.Write.Perform! (Secondary) *
閃耀如莎士比亞 — 讀.寫.演(中學)
CTS1924 | S1-S3 Unleash from Expectation * 期望·釋懷*
New courses are indicated with asterisk*.
新課程以 星號*表示。
有關查詢可電郵至caise@hku.hk 或致電 3917-5828 留言給張小姐。